Monday, February 13, 2017

Berries, Milk & Otis Spunkmeyer treats for a Valentine's Day Dessert Table

A simple and easy way to make lover's day festive and sweet

As you may know by now, I never turn down an opportunity to celebrate holidays and festive events! So when I received a shipment of Valentine's day-inspired Otis Spunkmeyer treats, I smiled and felt relieved all at once! The smiles were due to the cuteness and deliciousness of the treats. The relief was because instead of spending hours baking, I realized these small cakes and cookies were all I needed to put together a fun dessert table to celebrate the occasion.

For decorations, I used colorful tissue paper and blue hearts (can you tell I'm a boy mom?)

I had the Chocolate Créme Cakes, the Double Chocolate Cookies and the Chocolate Mini Cupcakes to work with. By the way, one of the reasons I love Otis Spunkmeyer is because their products have "no funky stuff" -- no artificial ingredients, no high fructose corn syrup, no hydrogenated oils and the company has pledged to use cage-free eggs beginning next year! 
So I brought out raspberries to decorate the mini cupcakes, I also used a heart-shaped cookie cutter to essentially cut out hearts from the chocolate cookies and I shaped the créme cakes into hearts.

In order to give the créme cakes a heart shape, all you have to do is cut the cake diagonally and reverse one of the pieces. Once you join them, you'll have a heart!

Here's a bird's-eye view of the créme cakes shaped as hearts
 And here's my fun & festive Valentine's Day dessert table:


Happy Valentine's Day, friends!

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