I’m a full-time career woman by day and a multi-tasking mommy blogger by night.
I love my government job which is a great combination of public affairs, research and travel but after the birth of my first son Benjamin (Benny), just as life got more hectic than ever, I found myself with an abundance of creative energy desperate to get out. Isn’t it funny how that works?
I decided to create a blog because there are simply too many moments to share and living in Los Angeles is way too inspiring!
Think of me as a busy L.A. mommy blogger trying to juggle a baby, a husband, a full-time job, a fitness plan and a social life. I love all things baby, cutesy, crafty, Disney, glitzy, pretty, sparkly & whimsy.
A little more about me: Mexican-American | Bilingual | Bicultural | Born in East Los Angeles | Raised in Ventura County | LMU Alumni | Former TV news reporter | I love Mariachi music | Red wine | Extra dry martinis | Disney everything | Addicted to gummy bears | In my mid-30's | Two Boys | The Best Hubby | Happy | In love | Excited | Passionate | Motivated | Positive | Spiritual | I love to laugh. Loudly.