Saturday, January 10, 2015

2015 Dream Boards for Mommy & Toddler

Is the first full week of January 2015 already over!?
We didn't write New Year's Resolutions because I started off the year with a "Just Get It Done" mentality that didn't involve pen and paper.
But after a few days into January, I started feeling the January Blues, like "where the heck are my goals and visions!?" LOL.
So I turned to my box of old magazines that were moments away from heading to the recycling bin and decided to make my first-ever "Dream Board".
I thought it would also be fun to get Benny involved and discuss the things I envision for him in 2015, like getting the potty-training thing down and enrolling him in some type of toddler sport or activity.
I used the same burlap board that has been the source of many projects throughout the years as the base of my dream board and decorated it with a big polka dot bow (mostly to use up board space since the board is rather large and I was running out of patience clipping so many magazine pics).
Mainly, my dream board consists of ideas I have for leading a happy, healthy lifestyle in 2015.
Benny's Dream board was made from construction paper and colorful shape cutouts...
More than anything, it was a good way to make my first crafting activity for the year and start putting some images to this new "Just Get it Done" mentality!
Have a great weekend!

Benny's 2015 Dream Board...hehe

I took time to explain to Benny there are some things we'd like for him to accomplish this year

...And gave him the liberty to start placing the clips on his board

Among our dreams for Benny this year: 1.To leave the diapers behind 2. To get him enrolled in a toddler sport 3. To meet a real astronaut at the Kennedy Space Center 3. To learn how to swim

4. To get in the habit of brushing his teeth every morning & night 5. To begin enjoying fruits and vegetables more 6. To join mom and dad in hikes and outdoor activities 7. To continue expanding his vocabulary through books

We'll see how things go...

Mommy's Dream Board :)

Be at home more often this year and focus on health, which means clean eating and shopping for nutritional foods.

Dreams: To finally run a marathon, to get fit, enjoy some bubbly at a getaway destination with my husband and hopefully start planning for Baby # 2 at the end of the year!

Dream: To become a Disney Mom Panelist!! (and to visit Disney World again)

I also dream of buying a home, exploring every city in Los Angeles County and keeping things classy and fancy all year long!

En español

¿Será posible que la primera semana completa de enero 2015 ya concluyó?
No escribí Resoluciones de Año Nuevo porque empecé el año con una mentalidad que no implicaba pluma y papel, solo la idea de "Hay que hacerlo y punto”.
Pero después de unos días en este primer mes del año, me empecé a sentir un poco triste, así como preguntándome, ‘¿dónde diablos están mis metas y aspiraciones?’
Así que tomé la caja de revistas viejas que estaba a pocos momentos de partir hacia el bote de reciclaje y decidí hacer mi primer "Muro de sueños".
Pensé que también sería buena idea involucrar a Benny y hablar sobre las cosas que imaginamos para él en el 2015, como que finalmente deje los pañales y matricularlo en algún tipo de deporte o actividad de niños.
Para este proyecto, utilicé el mismo tablero de arpillera que ha sido la fuente de muchos otros proyectos en años anteriores. Esta vez, coloqué un moño de bolitas como la decoración principal (más que nada, lo hice para utilizar espacio ya que el tablero es bastante grande y me estaba impacientando con tanto recorte de revistas).
Principalmente, mi muro está cubierto con imágenes de ideas que tengo para llevar acabo un estilo de vida feliz y saludable en el 2015.
Y sobra decir que fue una buena manera de hacer mi primera actividad tipo artesanal del año y visualizar con imágenes esta mentalidad nueva de "Hay que hacerlo y punto".
¡Que pasen un feliz fin de semana!

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