I think 2014 was a good year for the family.
My little sister got married in Switzerland and we traveled to Europe for her big day and ended up visiting a total of four countries with our little Benny.
Paul and I also flew to Cancun for another destination wedding of our close friends.
I moved to Washington D.C. for the summer to complete a special assignment for work.
Paul continued training in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu and we joined the Ultimate Fighting (UFC) Gym.
Overall, many great things can be said about 2014.
However, 2014 was also an extremely busy year, with many expenses, many commitments, many last-minute plans and few, real personal accomplishments (I didn't obtain my 'abs of steel' as I had promised myself, nor did I run my first marathon or save up to buy a house as intended).
BUT.... since we're choosing to never have regrets because we're happy, healthy and hopeful... Here's to a GREAT 2015!
And by great, I'm referring to simplicity, organization, and tranquility. I'm talking about pure F's (Faith, Family, Fitness & Finances). I'll be completing a dream board (and one for Benny too) maybe cutting clips of phrases and pictures and pasting them on a board is more promising than writing down our goals on a piece of paper like we did last year...LOL
In any case, best wishes for a fabulous 2015!
Here are our Top 14 Memories of 2014 (notice the "4" theme as this is being posted on January 4th):
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1. February 2014 - We kicked off the year with a Pin-Up Girl-themed Bridal Shower from my sister Frances who moved to Switzerland a few weeks later to start a new chapter as a married woman! Details of her bridal shower here |
2. Spring 2014 - My love and I took a much needed weekend getaway trip to Cancun for our friends' wedding |
3. In 2014 - I completed my 3rd half marathon! I finished the Disney Dumbo Double Dare for a total of 19.3 miles. |
4. Early May 2014 - Began my temporary move to Washington DC. While I was away from home, my parents visited me and brought my little Benny so he could spend time with mommy, |
5. May 18, 2014 - We began our European Journey at Disneyland Paris which was simply Magnifique!!!! |
6. May 24, 2014- The wedding of Frenchee and Danny was the most elegant affair of 2014. |
7. May 2014 - The BEST meal we enjoyed in Europe was at a small, quaint family-owned restaurant in Dusseldorf, Germany (between the fine cuts of meat and frothy locally-brewed beer, we didn't want to leave!) |
8. Time to return home - After a 3-week journey in Europe we returned home with hopes of going back someday soon! Benny enjoyed hanging out at the children's play area at Zurich Airport |
9. July 2014 - Independence Day in our Nation's Capital |
10. Summer 2014 - During Benny's second trip to the East Coast, we traveled to New York and let him hangout with a cab driver. |
11. Summer 2014 - Flew home from Washington one weekend to see my family and meet my Bestie's baby girl Zuraya. She was two days old in this picture |
12. Halloween 2014 - Benny was the perfect little Peter Pan (red hair and all) at Mickey's Halloween Party at Disneyland |
13. December 6, 2014 - We celebrated Benny's 2nd Birthday with a Spaceship Theme. Notice how he sneaked his fingers into the cake frosting! |
14. NYE- We closed off the year with Benny and my BFF's baby girl Zuraya proving to be the best of cousins! |
En español
Creo que
el 2014 fue un buen año para la familia.
Mi hermana
menor se casó en Suiza y viajamos a Europa para su gran día y terminamos
visitando un total de cuatro países con nuestro pequeño Benny.Paul y yo también viajamos a Cancún para otra boda de unos buenos amigos.
Me mudé a Washington DC durante el verano para completar una asignación especial de mi trabajo.
Paul continuó entrenando en el arte marcial de Jiu- Jitsu y nos unimos al gimnacio ‘Ultimate Fighting Championship‘ (UFC GYM).
En general, se pueden decir muchas cosas buenas del año 2014.
Sin embargo, el 2014 fue también un año muy ocupado, con muchos gastos, muchos compromisos, muchos planes de última hora y pocos logros personales (Por ejemplo, no obtuve mis ' abdominales de acero', como me prometí a mí misma, ni corrí mi primer maratón, ni ahorramos para comprar una casa como habíamos planeado).
PERO .... Como hemos elegido no arrepentirnos de nada porque tenemos salud , somos felices y soñadores,... ¡Hay que brindar por un excelente año 2015!
Y al decir ‘excelente’, me refiero a un año de simplicidad, organización y la tranquilidad. Estoy hablando de cosas que comienzan con la letra “F” (Fe, Familia, Físico y Finanzas). Voy a hacer un muro de metas (y otro para Benny también) tal vez el cortar fotos y frases de revistas y pegarlas en una tabla resultará más efectivo que escribir nuestras metas en una hoja papel como lo hicimos el año pasado…jajaja
De cualquier manera, son nuestros mejores deseos ¡que tengan un año 2015 fabuloso!
Aquí están nuestros catorce recuerdos más añorados del año 2014 (observar el uso del número "4 ", ya que esta notita se está publicando el 4 de enero. JAJAJA):
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