Monday, October 28, 2013

Confessions of a Mother during a government shutdown Pt. 3 of 3

So with the government shutdown in its second week, I figured I would make plans to meet with friends I hadn’t seen in a long time. Well, I didn't meet with anyone (except for a zoo date with Benny and my best friend Sheryl-- but that requires an entire blog post to itself).

Sheryl & Benny at the zoo (more on this later)
I was hoping to catch a drink with my good friend Ozzie (who is a video game guru) but that didn’t happen. Instead, I lounged around the house and helped Paul build Benny’s first vehicle (a baptism gift from my friend Reyna).

I was hoping to meet up and visit with my college roommate Lorena now that she moved to the West side but that didn’t happen either. Instead, I went back to Oxnard where Benny got a chance to play with his tia Ani Hunt.

I was hoping to take Benny to Hollywood and visit with my cousin Nena and her kids one day but that didn’t happen either. Instead we went to the library...Many times.
And I was also hoping to reorganize my closet but that didn’t happen either. Instead, I took Benny to Disneyland.

On my last furloughed day, Benny and I ended up in Fillmore at Baby Ethan’s house with my cousin’s Jeff and Luanita—so nice to spend a little time with them!

Ok. I confess. Other than doing it to spend time with Benny & Paul, I am no good at staying home all day. As a matter of fact, I am awful at it. If I were a stay-at-home mom, I’d probably keep my house messier than I do as a full-time employee.
Overall, I am disappointed that Congress reached a whole new ‘low’ with the political games and antics played by our lawmakers. I love my job and I love our country but…seriously? Wow. This government shutdown was entirely ridiculous and unnecessary.
I’m glad to be back at work and here’s to realizing that without a job, I’d probably be lazy and unproductive!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hermanita, your 3 part series blog was awesome!!! Did Paul make the Donald Duck noise when putting Baby Benny's Toy together?? It's so funny when he makes those noises.. I'm glad you spend some quality time with the family and with Baby Benny during the furloughed time. I can't wait for the next blog sis. Goodnight!